Page name: WoW - Alchemist's Row [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-10-15 17:55:42
Last author: CuteCommander
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The Lower City Mage Market

Alchemist's Row

Image in progress

Alchemist's Row is probably the heart of the magical and the arcane in the Lower City. It is said the concentration of spell-casters, mystics and spiritualists in the area is so great that advanced weapons and constructs shut down entirely upon entering. The row itself is actually a descending staircase, each step several feet long and around teen feet wide. Something that few remember is that, according to the Concordia treaty, the practice of magic is actually an illegal activity. Over the past century, the restrictions against magic have become severely lax and it is very rare for anyone to be arrested unless they use magic against someone else. In the early days, however, the crackdown against mages was brutal and swift and this made magic, which was very open and commonplace among the Majai tribes, to become something secret and dangerous. Originally one of the lowest mine shafts in the city, from which coal was obtained, the mages fled to this street and it became known as the Alchemist's Row. The entire row is thatched, and many people walk over it in the Mage Market without even knowing they're above the famed street. The most powerful mages, soothsayers and others of the kind make their business in the row, it is here where one can purchase the most forbidden objects and spells. The row itself was lit with eerie blue light coming from Majai ghost lamps, the making of these tubes of blue glowing glass is all but lost in this day and age. This is also the supposed home of the mysterious Erkine circle, a secret society of spellcasters that many rumors whisper about but no one can actually claim know for sure even exists.

Paki smiled to himself as he walked down the steps. As dark and foreboding as the place must seem to new-comers, this street always felt like an adventure to Paki. Many times his mother had lead him there to observe her conducting business and practicing spells.

This was definitely what Brant had expected from the Mage's Market, the power of the place emanating from every direction. He felt like, if he were to speak to Paki, that he would need to whisper to avoid breaking the flow of the magic around them. His eyes drifted from place to place, trying to pick out any spellcasters displaying any spells (Notice).

The spell-casters in the Alchemist's row were not known for parlor tricks or displays of power, they did not do magic to entertain or demonstrate. They instead focused on either developing their power or use it as a means to sustain themselves. True and powerful spells produced no gaudy sparks or pretty lights, instead they ever so slightly nudged reality in the direction desired by the caster. Looking around though, Brant could see a few people who did pique his interest. One was an old Majai priest, dressed in a half robe and sitting behind a stall, he seemed to be selling strange artifact, daggers carved out of bone and inscribed with majai letters. Further down the line there walked a tall, lean Kkala woman, almost as tall as Paki but with a much more athletic and less muscular build. She had long dreads of matter black hair down to her waist and dozens of tattoos covered her forearms, shoulders, neck and forehead, made in blood colored ink. Further down he saw a whole flock of acolytes and customers waiting outside a shop. It had no sign and the windows were tinted black, only a cow's skull perched on a high stick, probably from before the winter, indicating it's location.

The kkala woman drew Brant's interest. He quietly started following her, assuming Paki would join him. He tried to maintain a calm demeanour, but with so much potential to learn magic here was starting to fill him with a nervous energy. He couldn't help his hand trembling on his staff as he used it like a walking stick. As he approached the tall woman, he rapped the end of his staff hard on the ground to draw her attention. "Excuse me, but your tattoos interest me. Do they hold a purpose or meaning, or are they merely decorative?" he asked, attempting to draw her into conversation.

Despite supposedly being the guide, Paki did not hesitate in following Brant once he realized that said Daguerrian was no longer following him. Being oblivious to Brant's shaking, Paki was quite impressed with his apparent self-assuredness in walking through such a dangerous street to approach someone. His amazement quickly turned cold as he winced at the question. Sure, it was the sort of query that Paki would ask without hesitance--and he most certainly did, when he was younger--but the fact that a Daguerrian would have the gall to ask such a dangerous question of an unknown sorceress... He stood close to the shorter man, hopefully keeping the woman from taking action against the offender (intimidate).

The woman almost looked like she was going to walk right past Brant, even when he smacked his cane onto the floor. Only when Brant spoke to her directly, did she seem to notice him. The woman was perfectly stoic, but there was a foreboding sense of threat around her, as if the very air was charged with electricity. She did not answer and simply stared at Brant until suddenly Paki arrived. She turned to him, the woman's expression was like stone when she opened her mouth to speak. "Is this yours?" she simply asked, pointing at Brant.

"Ah, yeah. I'm showing him around," Paki admitted with a gap-toothed grin. "Sorry, he's sort of new and over-excited. No hard feelings, right?" He placed a hand on Brant's shoulder, trying to signal him to take a step back and give the woman more space (persuade).

Brant shrugged away Paki's hand as he drew himself up in front of the kkala woman. "I don't appreciate being referred to in that manner, my good lady." He displayed his most (in his opinion) charming smile. "Surely, as a fellow student of magic, we can converse in a friendly manner? Are we not all brothers and sisters under the power?" (Persuade)

The woman's eyes narrowed as the two in front of her seemed to be attracting unwanted attention of the many denizens of the Alchemist's Row. "Show him around?" she echoed, her tone seemed to point out the fact Paki had chosen to teach Brant to swim in what appeared to be a shark tank. "That he is." she replied simply, impassive as ever, finally turning to Brant and glaring at her, "What does an Engineer know of the way of spirits?" she asked, finally addressing the man. "Do not be coy with me, upcity whelp, what are you looking for here?"

The terms that she shot at Brant stung a little, but what should he expect from an uncivilised Majai? Though they mainly held mastery over magic, he was convinced that he would be better than most, given a chance. "Knowledge, my fine woman. I am looking for knowledge. If you happen to have none to share, then I say good day to you. However, if you are able to share some, perhaps we can come to an arrangement that also benefits you?" He hoped that the stereotypical trait of the lower city peasantry would mean the kkala would be eager to teach him for coin.

While Paki had expected her to act somewhat cold towards the Daguerrian, the word "whelp" still seemed a little harsh to him. Of course, Brant's response struck Paki as a million times worse. "Ah! My friend! You must not speak so boldly here! The sorcerers here are wise and powerful, but they do not display their work like street magicians for coin! We are here for books and artifacts, yes?" Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes... (Persuade)

The woman didn't seem angry at Brant's words, she didn't seem to have the capacity for true anger, even. It was as if she was a natural disaster, there was power there and the possibility of great destruction, but whatever she caused was simply causality, there was no anger or greater sentiment involved. "Knowledge is earned, Engineer, I can smell the fledgling steps of the arts on you, but this path is not yours and you will get no further unless you learn how to walk it with more than your feet." declared simply the woman. "Your man has not even introduced himself, yet he presumes my knowledge. Each of the words of the spirits is precious life blood and it is spilled and shared as blood would, through brotherhood or violence." she said, crossing her arms and leaning back slightly. "If you want to be an acolyte for someone, talk to Din." she added somewhat derisively, nodding back towards the business with the Cow skull. "If you want trinkets, take your man to Malak's hand. If you want to make an offer, make it and I will decide if it is to my benefit or not."

Brant was torn. Paki's pleas and this woman's demeanour both screamed for him to turn around and leave, but she did allow him to make an offer. "Thank you, kind lady," he said solemnly with a bow of his head. "I propose that you take me on as an apprentice. I would benefit from your teachings - not just in magic, but also in the culture of your people. The repayment would be two-fold: I would undertake any task set by you, no matter how trivial or dangerous, and you would also have the recognition of your peers as the Majai who was able to teach an Engineer," he felt odd using the term on himself, "and if I die in the process of learning then you lose nothing." It sounded weak, but he was trying to offer what he thought the woman wanted and what he could offer. If it wasn't accepted... "If you refuse, I shall never bother you again and will remove myself from your presence immediately."

Paki could have sworn there was ice gathering on his back when the woman responded to Brant's persistence. When she gave them an opening to leave and search elsewhere, he suddenly felt as though his heart was given a jolt from its near-comatose state. About to smile and thank her for the advice, the large Kkala's words quickly died in his throat when Brant instead offered himself as an apprentice. Obviously the man had no clue what he was proposing.

"Nkiru." said simply the woman. "The name is Nkiru." she replied simply. Before even answering to Brant, she turned to Paki once more. "You haven't taught your man way." she insisted. "Every KKala knows one cannot deal with a stranger, you haven't even given me your names. Your man is offering servitude for knowledge, I would OWN him. Is that agreeable to you?" she asked, crossing her arms. It was as if they were talking about Brant as if he was property they were handing over, which was ironic because many Daguerrians had Majai indentured servants they treated the same way. "You will forfeit your life for power, boy?" she asked again, this time speaking to Brant. "Kkala magic is not the soft, limp spiritism of the Majai or the dry, stiff rituals of the Shah. It is carved with flesh and fire." she added, as if pointing out the tattoos covering her bodies. "It is still not too late to go over to Precha Din, he has plenty of your kin learning parlor tricks from him and they seem happy enough in their small corner of the arts."

"Paki," the larger Kkala gave his name with a respectful nod, "and he is Brant...Um...I-I'm not really his master, just his guide...But I advise against this deal." He took a deep breath and set his jaw before looking Brant dead in the eye. "You came down here to learn, yes? Learn all of your options before you sell your years." Paki did not mean for it to sound like an order, but with how nervous he felt under Nkiru's gaze, everything about him seemed stiff and imposing compared to his earlier demeanor.

Despite his nature, Brant had to consider the offer for some time. He looked from Nkiru to Paki and back again a few times. Finally, he smiled at Paki, giving him a small bow. "I hope our travels bring us together again soon, friend." He then turned to the kkala woman and gave her a low bow. "If flesh and fire must be carved in order to learn, then bring the knife. I accept your offer. As long as you can teach me I will be at your command." He gave her another bow. "Brant McFain gives you his word."

The corners of Nkiru's mouth tugged lightly into a small, confident smirk as Brant finally introduced himself. "Good. You do not lack determination, engineer. I will give you that." replied the woman. The storm that had been building around them seemed to subside slowly and the air went back to it's charged and hot, but less electric self. "You had sound advice, Paki, but your man has chosen power." finally, the woman uncrossed her arms and put one hand at her hips, calling Brant to her with the other, "Come, Brant McFain, you will learn your first of Kkala magic." before she walked off, Nkiru turned one last time to Paki. "You can come too, <Paki Tara-ek>. You might learn something." with that, Nkiru walked off, turning right into a small, hot and dank alley just a few dozen feet away. Once in there, the woman waited a few seconds for Brant to catch up.

Before moving off, Brant turned to Pali and took one of the kkala's large hands in both of his, shaking it. "Thank you for your company, friend. I hope that we meet again. Do not feel you must accompany from here on out, though your presence would be most welcome." With a nervous smile he turned about and hurried to catch up with Nkiru.

When Brant accepted Nkiru's offer despite her warnings, all the air seemed to be pulled from Paki's lungs. The atmosphere might have become far less hazardous, but as far as Paki was concerned, danger had proven itself eminent for Brant. However, when Nkiru then invited him to come along, the sense of foreboding completely drained away. He was always more skilled in magic than trade, and she was certainly advanced enough to teach him more. So the larger Kkala gave Nkiru a respectful bow. "I will follow." Whether he said that to Nkiru, Brant, Tara or himself was beyond Paki, but he was glad all four could hear it.

Nkiru continued down the alley once the two men caught up with her, they could hear the steps of people walking over them in the Mage Market as if it was rainfall midst the stiffing heat. They finally came to a severely slanted road that want downwards and back towards the Alchemist's row. A small channel of water ran down through the middle of the road, carving a ditch into it over which the inhabitants had placed precarious wooden boards as makeshift bridges. Deftly, the young Kkala woman crossed over one of the planks in just two long steps before she got to one of the many shacks that had been built along the road. The building as a wood and adobe home with simply cloth covering the windows and no glass. From the outside, it was completely unremarkable, the same as the myriad of makeshift homes along the road which doubled as support for the Mage Market above. "This is my home." Declared the woman as if it was painfully evident, "Come." she then added, with the tact of an adobe brick, before going into WoW - Nkiru's Shack.

"Barely here a few hours and already being invited into the home of a woman who'll be nothing but trouble for me," Brant whispered jokingly to Paki, adding a playful wink. Using humour was his way of alleviating his fear. It wasn't working. Trying to gulp down a tightness beginning in his throat, the eccentric followed his mistress into WoW - Nkiru's Shack.

Paki frowned deeply at Brant's attempt at humor, completely misunderstanding the joke as the Daguerrian already showing remorse for his choice and the wink as a nervous twitch. Regardless, Paki followed them into WoW - Nkiru's Shack, even more curious than he was worried.

Some time later, and sporting a new tattoo, Brant stepped out of the shack and wandered down the alley a little ways before turning to address Paki. "I am afraid I know of nobody that can help us there." He had a sudden thought. "Though I could pay for your bed and board for the night. And perhaps bring you some comfort during the night?" He gave the kkala the most innocent look he could summon.

Paki's face fell at Brant's admission. The Kkala then shook his head at the offer, smiling weakly. "Ah, I'm afraid I'll have to decline. There's simply too much for me to do. I do not even know how much time I have, I'm afraid...But I'd like to have as much done as quickly as possible."

"Then at least allow me to accompany you. If I can aid you in any way it will be my honour," Brant said with an elaborate swish of his cloak. Internally he regretted not being able to feel and caress Paki's muscular body.

Paki smiled warmly at the smaller man. "You are very kind, my friend. This way, then." He headed for WoW - Malak's Hand.

His eyes trying not to stray towards the kkala's behind, Brant followed Paki to WoW - Malak's Hand.

Post here

Accessible areas:
Turn around and head back to WoW - Malak's Hand
Take the back roads towards WoW - Nkiru's Shack

Back to WoW - The Mage Market

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2014-07-04 [ancienteye]: Description? :3

2014-07-20 [Duredhel]: 8> got description.

2014-07-31 [CuteCommander]: Can we get a GM roll on the persuasion, as Brant is far too curious for his own good

2014-07-31 [Duredhel]: Sure thing XD

2014-07-31 [Duredhel]: .... Paki's persuade is 2 :/
It's safe to say he failed.

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